Archive for the ‘art’ Category

Leone Contini’s art intervention in Požarevac, Serbia

October 9, 2008


*Benefattori che hanno offerto una possibilita’ ai profughi del Kossovo, che vivono in Kostolac,  di costruirsi una nuova vita:

(spazio vuoto)

Požarevac 10-08-2008


“The work is the attempt to transform the potential energy of

societal inequality into a concrete act of solidarity. In the settlement of

Rom refugees from Kosovo he tried to set up a list of needed materials for

infrastructure. This list would be visible in town to reveal the situations

of these people. The mentioning of the donor would follow the local system 

of values and the need of the gastarbajters to be accepted and visible. The

project fails! The failure will be presented in form of an empty

commemoration stone, which can be used in case of an act of solidarity

appears in future.”


*The marble plaque, installed in the “Park of Heroes”, was stolen few days later.


Serbian Heroes from IX-XX-XXI century. Studies